California forum letters: Bee readers take on PG&E, Capitol Annex Project, police pensions

The Sacramento Bee
December 19, 2021


"How Sacramento became the home of California’s most over-memorialized office building,” (, Dec. 9)

Those of us who oppose the Capitol Annex Project do not oppose it because it will destroy a unique mid-century modern historic building, but because rehabilitation is completely feasible, cheaper and better for the environment. Destroying over 60 trees, attempting to relocate over 100 historic and ancient trees, and blindly wasting more than $1.3 billion of taxpayers’ money is not good government. The building could be made more functional and brought up to code, but that was never considered. Committee Chair Ken Cooley proposed glass palace is a travesty. The California Legislature is side-stepping the law and bulldozing the public. It’s for these reasons we mourn.

Luree Stetson
