October 10, 2024

Save Our Capitol! Responds to California Third District Court of Appeal’s Decision

By Save Our Capitol!

"By upholding the lower court’s ruling, California continues to prioritize political interests over public protection and existing law."

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September 24, 2024

Capitol Annex Remodel Lacks Transparency

KFBK Morning News
By Mark Demsky

As KFBK's Mark Demsky reports, [lawmakers] do not want to talk about how much tax payer money they're spending to fix up their offices...

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September 25, 2024

California Legislature uses non-disclosure agreements to keep Capitol Annex Project information secret

KCRA 3 News
By Ashley Zavala

"A total of 2,093 people signed the NDA, according to a list Joint Rules provided to KCRA 3 through a Legislative Open Records Act Request."

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September 19, 2024

California Drops Millions on Italian Stonework!

FOX News Radio

"The California Legislature was hoping its constituents wouldn’t notice its leaders spent $5.2M to have granite shipped to Italy to be fabricated into bricks and then sent back to Cali..."

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September 17, 2024

California Legislature quietly spends millions on Italian stonework for Capitol Annex Project

KCRA 3 News
By Ashley Zavala

"This state, in a number of different areas, requires certain things, requires certain standards. But when the Legislature itself wants to do a project, it does not want to follow those standards," Hoover said.

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August 23, 2024

Save Our Capitol's Supplemental Brief re: Constitutionality of Senate Bill 174

By Save Our Capitol!

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September 2, 2024

California Officials Can't Build By Their Own Rules

By Joe Matthews
Zócalo Public Square

"I wonder if retreat might be the wiser option. In tough budget times, many other state infrastructure programs could make better use of the $1 billion-plus dedicated to a new annex. And the Capitol does not require an annex."

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August 29, 2024

Matthews: Capitol Annex Project Shrouded in Secrecy and Delays

By Joe Matthews
Ventura County Star

"But what’s most galling is the way that state government exempted its own project from the rules that govern building in California."

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August 22, 2024

Political abuse of power attempts to silence the people and the courts

By Save Our Capitol!

Elected representatives cannot be allowed to undo environmental protections which inconvenience their pet projects...

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August 22, 2024

Media outlets throughout the state have called out the Governor and the Legislature

By Save Our Capitol!

Despite these resources’ inestimable value, and despite the Court of Appeal having already found that the Legislature violated CEQA when it first approved the project, the Legislature voted in favor of SB 174 to exempt itself from the law.

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August 1, 2024

Newsom denounces Trump’s authoritarian tendencies, but displays some himself

By Dan Walters

"Assembly Bill 174 contains a slew of items ... but one passage exempts the Legislature’s Capitol annex project from the California Environmental Quality Act. It aims to shut down efforts by two groups critical of the massive construction project to require changes."

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July 11, 2024

Gavin Newsom likes to use the budget to skirt public debate and get what he wants. Did he do it again?

By Nicole Nixon
The Sacramento Bee

“Trailer bills are supposed to be used to clean up a budget issue. They aren’t supposed to be … the governor’s vehicles to push his own policies through the legislature quickly without deliberation.”

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July 8, 2024

Sacramento Historical Society Presentation: Capitol Restoration

Sacramento Historical Society
By Dan Visnich
July 9, 2024

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June 27, 2024

California lawmakers exempt their new office building from state environmental law

By Mackenzie Mays and Taryn Luna
Los Angeles Times

“It’s absolutely terrible. We’ve spent years trying to make this project better,” Cowan said. “It’s not good democracy. It’s not good government. It shows that someone knows how to play a trick card at the last minute.”

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June 25, 2024

Controversial Capitol annex project would be exempt from environmental law under new bill

By Nicole Nixon
The Sacramento Bee
June 25, 2024

“It’s almost as if the legislature is saying, ‘We don’t want to follow the appeals court ruling and so we’re just going to take this out of the hands of the appeals court,’” ... “There still has not been adequate environmental review here.”

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May 24, 2024

Third District Reverses Order Prematurely Discharging CEQA Writ for Failure to Address Objections That Certified Revised EIR Was Still Noncompliant, Holds Project Opponents Could Properly Opt to Raise Challenge ...

By Arthur F. Coon
Miller Starr Regalia / JD Supra

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April 1, 2024

Save the West Side!

By Save Our Capitol!

"Visitor Center will Destroy the West Side of Our Historic Capitol—Forever! Save the West Side of Our Historic Capitol for the People of California!

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April 1, 2024

Planned Capitol Annex Building– Glaringly Incompatible, Unsafe, Non-Compliant!

By Save Our Capitol!

"The Department of General Services approved the design of the new Annex ... without adequately analyzing and disclosing its incompatibility with the historic Capitol and its noncompliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards (SOIS)."

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February 27, 2024

Save Our Capitol's Opening Brief

By Save Our Capitol!
February 27, 2024

Save Our Capitol! argues that the "planned new Annex, as designed, is visually incompatible with and would denigrate the appearance of the historic Capitol in violation of the SOIS [Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties]."

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February 4, 2024

Dick Spotswood: Crucial time for executive recruitment in Marin County and Novato; Capitol Annex Fiasco

By Dick Spotswood
Marin Independent Journal

"It’s a boondoggle that should be halted at least until the deficit is eliminated. Even then, this project remains a frill the Golden State can do without."

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January 26, 2024

Downtown Sacramento coffee shop is closing after nearly 20 years: ‘Pretty heartbreaking’

By Hanh Truong
The Sacramento Bee

"Nearby construction at the Capitol has also had a 'massive impact' on the shop, he said."

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December 25, 2023

Construction at Sacramento Capitol Annex continues

By Eytan Wallace
FOX 40 News

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December 24, 2023


By Karen Jacques
The Sacramento Bee

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November 13, 2023

The California Capitol Remains Under Threat

By Save Our Capitol!

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November 10, 2023

DGS Once Again Fails in its Obligation to the Public

By Nicole Sauviat Criste,
Vice President, Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc.

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November 10, 2023

SOC! Defending the People’s Capitol

By Save Our Capitol!

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November 10, 2023

The New Annex is a Security Nightmare

By John Allen,

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November 10, 2023

Reduce the Cost of the Annex Project: Park at the Swing Space

By Dick Cowan,
Historic State Capitol Commission Chair (resigned)

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November 10, 2023

The Legislature Continues to Refuse to Provide Critical Documents

By Dick Cowan,
Historic State Capitol Commission Chair (resigned)

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November 10, 2023

Save the Capitol’s West Steps: Move the Visitor Center

By Dick Cowan,
Historic State Capitol Commission Chair (resigned)

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November 10, 2023

Denigrating the Capitol: New Annex is an Insult

By Milford Wayne Donaldson FAIA

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November 10, 2023

A Glass Annex – A Heat Sink that Violates the Governor’s Climate Initiative

By Milford Wayne Donaldson FAIA

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November 10, 2023

A Comprehensive Analysis, Annex’s Failure to Respect Capitol’s Architecture

By Milford Wayne Donaldson FAIA

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November 10, 2023

Annex Project Impacts are Irreversible

By Karen Jacques, Ph.D.
Public Accountability for Our Capitol

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November 10, 2023

Respect the Capitol’s History: Build a Compatible Annex Alternative

By Public Accountability for Our Capitol

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November 10, 2023

Trees Are Being Decimated in Capitol Park

By Paula J. Peper
Urban Forest Ecologist, Historic State Capitol Commission Member (resigned)

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November 10, 2023

There’s No Need for a Crystal Palace

By Bill Durston, M.D.
Physicians for Social Responsibility, Sacramento

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November 10, 2023

The Stately Palms on L and N Streets Have Been Killed

By Dan Pskowski

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November 10, 2023

Annex Construction Crews are Killing the Trees

By Kate Riley

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November 10, 2023

The Legislature Fails in its Stewardship of Capitol Park

By Kate Riley

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November 10, 2023

New Visitor Center Alternatives are Designed to Fail

By Save the Capitol, Save the Trees

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October 15, 2023

Enough Already

By Bill Jurkovich
The Sacramento Bee

"Just restore the Capitol building and the adjacent park to their original historic status. Sacramento and the state will be better off for it."

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October 11, 2023

The Capitol Annex Project is turning into Sacramento’s never-ending nightmare

By Samantha Corbin
The Sacramento Bee

"With hundreds of millions of dollars at stake — coupled with a substantial state budgetary deficit — the lack of a responsible guiding force and a coherent plan is concerning and irresponsible."

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August 23, 2023

Concerns rise over stress caused to State Capitol grounds palm trees

CBS News Sacramento

"Some of the 140-year-old palm trees that were replanted during the California State Capitol annex project appear to be struggling."

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August 21, 2023

Dozens of 141-year-old Sacramento palm trees are struggling to survive at the Capitol

By Nicole Nixon
Capital Public Radio

"There’s no replacing something over a century old."

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August 4, 2023

Activists worry for health of 141-year-old palm trees uprooted for California Capitol Annex Project

CBS Sacramento
By James Taylor

"These palms were moved a month ago and Pskowski says they're already showing signs of stress."

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August 2, 2023

What’s going on behind all those blanketed gates at the California Capitol? We peeked inside

The Sacramento Bee
By Hanh Truong

"No agency, department or lawmaker gave a timeline or progress update."

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July 14, 2023

A Battle Lost, But a War Not Over – Save Our Capitol! Continues the Fight to Save the Historic West Steps

By Save Our Capitol!

"While the historic Annex has been thrown away by the Legislature, the West Lawn, West Plaza, and West Steps still can be preserved and remain a pivotal place..."

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July 4, 2023

Crews demolish part of the Capitol Annex

FOX 40 News
By Sergio Robles

"The demolition work is part of a plan that will eventually see a new structure built in its place that is connected to the main building, although the design of the new structure has not yet been finalized"

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July 3, 2023

Part of California State Capitol demolished on Monday

CBS News Sacramento
By Richard Ramos

"What they are proposing is a building that overpowers the Capitol"

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June 13, 2023

Perata: Stop the Capitol Annex Project

By Former Senate President Pro Tempore Don Perata

"I served my time in the notorious East Annex; however, that doesn’t mean I think it deserves to be torn down."

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June 21, 2023

The State Capitol Billion Dollar Boondoggle

By Richard Stevenson
California Globe

"The Legislature would best serve the public by heeding numerous local, statewide, and federal government precedents..."

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May 31, 2023

'Save Our Capitol' group calls for stopping the demolition of the West Steps

By ABC 10 News

"The West Steps of the California State Capitol is set to be off limits the next 2 years, said one community group wanting to stop the partial demolition."

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May 31, 2023

Group rallies to save the west steps at the California capitol

By KCRA 3 News

"A rally was held at the state capitol in Sacramento to preserve the steps on the west side of the capitol."

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May 19, 2023

Video Update: Capitol Annex Project

By Steve Davis

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December 1, 2021

A Tree From Every Nation on Earth: California's Capitol Park Trees Under Threat

By Paula Peper
American Society of Consulting Arborists

"When most people think of state capi­tols, they think legislation, legislators, and governors, not trees and parks. From its beginnings in the 1860s, plans for the California State Capitol in Sacramento were different."

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April 14, 2023

After a lawsuit, here’s how to comment on proposed changes to the California state Capitol

By Nicole Nixon
Capital Public Radio

“I don't think the glass is compatible, period,” he said. “It's easy to make a modern building compatible with a historic building.”

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April 13, 2023

She Saved My Life

By Paula Jan Peper
Women in Natural Resources

"As I fought to keep him from plunging towards the trees and boulders at meadow's edge, fought to keep from being catapulted over his head, his legs suddenly slipped out from under him and both of us lost the precarious balance we’d had."

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April 6, 2023

Planned construction could forever change the California Capitol’s west steps. What would that mean for protests and events?

By Nicole Nixon
Capital Public Radio

“I have heard from a lot of people in Sacramento who have concerns about it,” [Freshman state Sen. Angelique Ashby, a Democrat who represents Sacramento] said during an event in March.

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May 16, 2023

The Design of the New Annex and Compliance with The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings

By Milford Wayne Donaldson FAIA

"From a moral standpoint, it is shameless to continue construction by abolishing historic preservation standards that other entities must follow."

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March 25, 2023

Preserve Sacramento Capitol Annex and Save Us Half a Billion

By Larry Wilson
Pasadena Star News

"And I’m all in, and so should be all Californians interested in both saving money and saving our historic buildings."

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March 7, 2023

Letter to Governor Newsom from National Trust for Historic Preservation

National Trust for Historic Preservation

"Planning for this project should include a thorough analysis of the feasibility of rehabilitating the 1952 Annex, rather than demolishing and replacing it."

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February 10, 2023

Amid litigation and a lost Democratic seat, group urges California lawmakers to rethink costly Capitol project

By Ashley Zavala
KCRA 3 News

"There need to be some serious discussions on how we move forward," Hoover said. "I'm concerned about the cost of this project, it could be done in a much more cost-effective fashion."

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February 8, 2023

Capitol Annex Pushback

KCRA 3 News

"I'm calling on my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to re-open this conversation and let's talk about #1, how can we help taxpayers and help reduce the costs of the overall project; and #2, how can we help preserve these steps for future generations," Assemblymember Josh Hoover.

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February 8, 2023

Debate Over Capitol Renovation Project

FOX 40 News

"What I'm really here for today is to call upon my colleagues to re-open this conversation. So many of these conversations happened during COVID with very little public participation," said Assemblymember Josh Hoover.

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February 8, 2023

'Save Our Capitol' Celebrates Project Delay

ABC 10 News

"I don't know how big it is. I don't know how much disruption when it comes to traffic, parking, and the flow of the urban core of Sacramento. How am I going to be anything for that?" Aziz Bellarbi-Salah, local business owner.

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February 8, 2023

After legal trouble, advocates want state lawmakers to ‘reconsider’ Capitol Annex options

By Nicole Nixon
Capital Public Radio

"Hoover and other opponents have also called on the state to rehab the existing building, rather than spend money on demolition and rebuilding, especially when the state is projected to experience a budget deficit of more than $22 billion this year."

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January 26, 2023

Court Upholds Ruling: Capitol Annex Project Violated Environmental Law

By Save Our Capitol!

“Save Our Capitol! is pleased that the court reaffirmed its earlier decision requiring DGS and JRC to do what they should have done from the start of the Project: fully evaluate environmental impacts."

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January 13, 2023

Capitol Annex Project Needs Major Changes

By David Herbert, Chair
Boulevard Park Neighborhood Association

The Capitol Annex Project as currently proposed would destroy the historic integrity of our State Capitol and would be hugely expensive.

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December 30, 2022

Demolition-by-Neglect: How the Legislature Plans to Destroy State History

Citrus Heights Messenger

In 2005, the Department of General Services (DGS) prepared a plan to upgrade and modernize the building, but the Legislature decided not to move forward with it. Now, lawmakers say it’s too damaged to rehabilitate. That’s simply not true.

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January 2, 2023

A “Capitol” Offense: Third District Holds State Capitol Building Annex/Visitor Center Project EIR Violated CEQA Due To Inadequate Project Description And Analyses Of Historical Cultural Impacts, Aesthetics, And Project Alternatives

By Arthur Coon

It appears that the ever-evolving Historic Capitol project will continue to do so and it will be interesting to see what is – and isn’t – ultimately built as a result...

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January 1, 2023

Bee readers comment on Mayor Steinberg’s future career, wolf poaching, Capitol renovation (Money Sink)

The Sacramento Bee
By Kate Riley

While we must protect Capitol Park, the issues of the Capitol Annex project extend far beneath the surface. I am thankful that the Legislature must pause and reevaluate its options after clearly rushing into the wrong decision the first time.

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December 26, 2022

Capitol rebuild in flux; foes battle Legislature over preservation

Capitol Weekly
By Will Shuck

The justices ruled the department had downplayed how the plan might mar the most recognizable side of the Capitol.

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December 13, 2022

Meet the Newbies: Assemblyman Josh Hoover

Capitol Weekly
By John Howard, Tim Foster, and Assemblyman Josh Hoover

"We sat down with Hoover to talk about his legislative priorities (one of which is to scale back the renovation of the Capitol Annex, a project spearheaded by his AD 7 predecessor)..."

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December 11, 2022

Column: A costly project showed California politicians think they own the Capitol. A court reminded them they don’t

Los Angeles Times
By George Skelton

"The politicians have acted as if the Capitol belongs to them and it’s solely their business. The court reminded them in writing that it 'is truly the people’s Capitol.'”

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December 7, 2022

Lawsuit brings California State Capitol Annex project to a halt

CBS Sacramento
By Laura Haefeli

"If our state is pushing environmentalism then why are we destroying all these trees?"

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December 7, 2022

Judge Halts California Capitol Annex Remodel Over CA Environmental Law Violations

California Globe
By Katy Grimes

“It’s all been so sneaky and so secretive,” Peper said. And she said Cooley and the committee refused their California Public Records Act request for information.

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December 7, 2022

California’s $1.2 billion Capitol renovation violated state environmental laws, court says

The Sacramento Bee
By Maya Miller

The court ultimately ruled that the design had changed so significantly it “prevented the people from commenting on significant environmental effects on what is truly the people’s capitol,” the ruling read.

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December 7, 2022

Court halts California Capitol Annex project over - what else? - CEQA challenge

San Francisco Chronicle
By Bob Egelko

“The public was foreclosed from commenting meaningfully on the glass exterior’s impact on the Capitol.... Nowhere does DGS explain how it or any member of the public could meaningfully analyze the new Annex’s impact on the Historic Capitol...”

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December 6, 2022

Capitol Annex project violated environmental regulations, appeals court rules

Capital Public Radio
By Nicole Nixon

The ruling says the plans “did not comply with CEQA’s requirement that the [environmental impact report] consider a reasonable range of alternatives,” therefore “thwarting informed public participation and decision-making.”

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December 6, 2022

Court Rules Capitol Annex Project in Violation of CEQA

By Save Our Capitol!

"Today, the People of California won. While it is unfortunate that legal action was required to compel JRC and DGS to follow the law, Save Our Capitol! is hopeful that, now, they will properly consider alternatives to the Project...”

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November 30, 2022

From legislative staffer to state assemblyman, Joshua Hoover prepares for his new role

By Ashley Zavala

"Another issue in which Hoover will likely get involved: is the state Capitol annex project Cooley oversaw.... he'd like to make changes to the plan to make it less expensive for taxpayers."

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November 30, 2022

Save Our Capitol! Responds to Assemblymember Ken Cooley Conceding Race to Joshua Hoover

By Save Our Capitol!

“Clearly, AD 07 constituents felt the same, rebuking Cooley and his wasteful Project that aims to excavate the iconic West Lawn, Plaza, and Steps, demolish the historic Capitol Annex, and replace it with an incompatible glass-building which overshadows the Capitol."

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November 14, 2022

Save Our Capitol! Argues $1.2B+ Capitol Annex Project Fails to Adequately Analyze and Mitigate Project Impacts

By Save Our Capitol!

“No one is questioning the critical need to improve and modernize the historic Capitol Annex; however, we maintain that the Capitol Annex Project’s Environmental Impact Report (EIR) fails to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)..."

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November 11, 2022

Capitol Annex Project’s Environmental Impact Report Violated CEQA by not Analyzing Alternative Solutions

By Save Our Capitol!

“DGS and JRC’s suggestion that the Project will not adversely impact historic resources on the west side of the historic Capitol... is not supported by substantial evidence."

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November 10, 2022

What Else Are Our Elected Officials Doing In Secret?

By Paula Peper and Richard "Dick" Cowan

"This is probably the most secretive project I've been associated with, including I built hangars for the Stealth Fighter in the middle of Nevada."

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November 9, 2022

Demolition-by-Neglect: How the California Legislature Plans to Destroy State History

By Save Our Capitol!

"... without Governor Newsom’s engagement, state history will be erased and every Californian will lose the ability to walk the halls of their Capitol Annex and gather or protest at the West Steps."

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November 1, 2022

Capitol Annex Project: The Facts

By Victoria Kastner

"What they are trying to do by defacing our historic Capitol is taking somewhere and making it anywhere. That building could go anywhere within the state."

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November 1, 2022

State Architect Alfred Eichler's Historic Capitol Annex

By Victoria Kastner

"This beautiful East Annex he constructed in 1952 and it’s meant to be a pendant piece. It joins visually, a visual corridor between his great Tower Bridge and our great State Capitol."

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November 1, 2022

Capitol Annex Project: Limiting Public Participation

By Tim Holliday

"And you really come to the conclusion there's one true purpose––it's to keep the people of California out of their own house, and that is an outrage, and it's unacceptable."

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November 9, 2022

Save the Citadel – Our Historic Capitol Annex

By Wayne Donaldson FAIA

"... if this project moves forward, and this annex is demolished... it sets a horrible precedent that will start us not believing in our government can preserve historic structures like everyone else has to."

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November 9, 2022

West Steps Rally - Saving Democracy

By Save Our Capitol!

"And you really come to the conclusion there's one true purpose––it's to keep the people of California out of their own house, and that is an outrage, and it's unacceptable."

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November 9, 2022

Save California’s History – Rehabilitate Our Annex

By Richard "Dick" Cowan

"The Historic State Capitol Commission designated all of the materials you can see here as the historic fabric of the building... The marble floors, the ceilings are, in particular, a 1950s style."

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November 9, 2022

Rescuing California's Historic State Capitol

By Victoria Kastner

"We cannot let the egotism and greed of a few affect all of us as citizens."

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November 3, 2022

California’s $1.2B+ Capitol Annex Project Challenged Due to Defective Environmental Impact Report

By Save Our Capitol!

"DGS and JRC claim that because the DEIR disclosed that it lacked adequate information to analyze the true nature of the Project’s impacts...the Project description was adequate. Not so."

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October 31, 2022

State of California Violated Environmental Laws in $1.2B+ Capitol Annex Project

By Save Our Capitol!

"Yet, DGS and JRC did not recirculate the EIR, instead choosing to deprive the public and responsible agencies of their right to review and comment on the Project’s true impacts to the Capitol Complex."

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October 12, 2022

Save Our Capitol! Files Appeal in Lawsuit Challenging $1.2B+ Capitol Annex Project

By Save Our Capitol!

“We are asking the court to enforce CEQA’s statutory requirement—which mandates the long-term protection of California’s built and natural environment—and reverse the Order and Judgment. There is no urgency to proceed with the unvetted Capitol Annex Project...”

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September 28, 2022

Save Our Capitol Files Reply Brief with the Court of Appeal of the State of California

By Save Our Capitol!

"Nevertheless, Respondents intend to demolish the Capitol Annex in its entirety and to irreversibly damage the historic West Lawn based on a legally deficient EIR that cannot possibly serve its purpose..."

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September 29, 2022

Save Our Capitol Urges $500 Million Rehabilitation, not $1.2 Billion New Capitol Annex as California Tax Revenues Drop

By Save Our Capitol!
September 29, 2022

"By freeing up $700 million from the current Capitol Annex Project, the Legislature and Governor Newsom can better balance the state’s budget and ensure critical projects are funded. Rehabilitation...will cost taxpayers less than $500 million."

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September 16, 2022

The Afternoon News with Kitty O'Neal The Controversy Over the Capitol Annex Project: Hear Both Sides

By Kitty O'Neal
News 93.1 KFBK

Controversy over the CA State Capitol Annex demolition and remodel. Those in favor say safety hazards and aesthetics demand the over billion dollar project. Others favor a $500 million refurbishing that preserves more of the Capitol and surrounding trees.

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